May We Kick Ass in 2019!

It is 2019! Just like that it is a new year. Just like that we are starting new. Or rather, we are given the illusion that we are starting new. When in reality, every second is a chance to start new. Every day is a chance to start again, as long as you are still breathing.

I do not have new year's resolutions. I have given up on that idea many years ago. I know I wont keep them. Now I just have one grand idea on what I want to do on daily basis: living my honest truth. My whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I am 36 years old. I am no longer interested in being anybody but myself. I am no longer interested in pretending to be something I'm not. I want to be free from pretending, from being scared of other people's judgments. I want to do the things that bring me joy without being scared of them at the same time. I want me to know how much I love me.

My friend's death was a real wake up call for me. I thought he was invincible. I thought he had more time. I thought he was OK. But now I realize that no one can escape death. That it is coming for each one of us it its mysterious time. Time is precious. Health is precious. Your friends and family are precious. Choose wisely on what you want to focus your energy and time on during your short stay on earth.

I have not had a very good relationship with The Higher Being lately. I have mostly ignored it. Forgotten about it. Pretty much in denial of how much It actually had a power over my every second. I think this year, I want to have a closer relationship with It. And I want to not care if people judge me if I do not use the word God. My relationship with The Higher Being will be my own business.

So here's to a new year, a new day. Here's to the people we lost and the people we love. May we always be unapologetic when it comes to being true to ourselves. May we always be kind to everyone even when we are trying so hard to be genuine about ourselves. May we be fearless, passionate, and a little crazy in every single thing we do. May we fall in love with ourselves over and over again. May we care (so much) less about what other people think of us. May we kick ass, hold hands, hug tight, stand tall, and be completely present in the present. Always.

And to you who reads this blog. To you who keeps up with my ramblings over the years; I APPRECIATE YOU. Thank you. I wish you nothing but good things in your life.

January 1, 2019
Andini Haryani


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